4 Effective Tips When Taking Up An Online English Course

Now that circuit breaker measures have us cooped at home for the majority of the time, many have taken it upon themselves to pick up activities in a bid to rid the restlessness and boredom. They also serve as an avenue for people who yearn for a semblence of normalcy during such an uncertain and anxiety-charged period. Maximising the time spent at home doing something productive serves as a mental and emotional respite.

One of these activities that have been rather popular during these past months is learning! Many are using this time to upgrade their skillsets in hopes to beef up their resume once they’re out in the working world.

If you’ve been meaning to learn English and brush up your proficiency and fluency, here are a few ways you can spend your time to maximise on your learning during circuit breaker.

1. Create A Routine Schedule

First thing first, you’d have to delegate your time to your learning effectively and create a routine schedule that you can get behind. Like many other skills, language is a skill that needs to be practised on the daily. It’s common to consciously forget a language that one speaks fluently, more so for a language that one doesn’t have a full mastery of. Thus, one needs to consciously make an effort to practice English to not only be comfortable with the language, but also for better retention.

2. Tailor Your Learning To Suit Your Preferences

This is a no brainer – you need to practice in order to improve in a skill, be it language or otherwise. That said, don’t merely practise blindly. Whilst you can spend time writing on your English textbooks or reading books on grammar the whole day long, chances are, you won’t have enough motivation and drive to continue with your learning. The secret is to contextualise and tailor your learning to your own set of preferences.

If you’re a film buff, have a weekly virtual get together with your friends where you watch English shows online and have an in-depth discussion. If you’re one to get lost in words, read an English book for an hour before bedtime. If you like to debate, crank up your knowledge by listening to educational podcasts and write an article about your subject of interest. There’s a lot of ways you can go around learning, especially now that these resources are made available on the Internet – with some being free, too! Not only will you get your practice in, you’d also be doing something you love.

3. Take Part In Formal Learning

If you wish to go to the formal route, you may want to consider enrolling in an online English course. These courses are equipped with educational resources and teachers that are experienced and qualified. You can get proper guidance on the language and its rules, and these teachers can also navigate you through your rights and wrongs. These online lessons will grant you a certificate to acknowledge your skills. An IELTS certificate, for instance, will be given once you’ve completed your IELTS lessons and that certificate alone will open so many doors for you.

On that note, before you actually enrol in an English class, do check the reviews from previous students. This will give you a hint whether the class has quality staff, the environment is both conducive and pleasant and if it’ll be worth your money as a whole.

4. Productivity Isn’t Everything

All in all, using this time to learn and maximise your potential is undoubtedly a great thing. However, if you feel that chasing for productivity and an upgrade in skills during such a difficult time is having a negative effect on your wellbeing, it’s best that you take a step back and give yourself a breather. The global pandemic and the circuit breaker measures are taking a toll on our health – physical, mental and emotional. Thus, be sure to take constant breaks whenever you don’t feel well and be less hard on yourself, regardless of your progress.

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