Eating Habits To Keep Your Health In Check During COVID19

While some countries such as Singapore ourselves have taken measures to slowly reopen the economy, permitted businesses to resume operations, and allowed for gatherings of maximum 5 people – keeping out of contact from others by staying home is still the best solution.

Hence, most of us will still be staying put at home until the situation completely stabilises. But even though social distancing will keep us safe from potentially being infected by another sick patient of the COVID-19 virus – we must still do what we can to keep our own selves healthy first!

And, it all starts with what you’re consuming to keep your health in the pink. Read on to find out how exactly you can tweak your eating habits!

Boost your immune system with a proper diet

Ultimately, it all starts with your consumption of fruits and vegetables, specifically of at least servings each day. Whenever you make a trip to the supermarket, try your best to get hold of fresh produce as much as possible. These foods are the ones stored with plenty of vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants, that are extremely helpful in fighting off infections!

Not to mention, using fresh ingredients when cooking large portions will make the food last longer and allow your family to have more meal options for the next few days! Then, you can use small plastic containers with lids to store them safely in your refrigerator. Moreover, fruits and vegetables can be frozen if you’re planning to cook another day, as most of the flavour and nutrients will still be retained. One such veggie you can purchase would be legumes; since they are inexpensive, long-lasting, and high in proteins and iron.

Have a supply of healthy snacks

If you have little ones in your home – they might get a little stubborn about consuming the healthy greens all the time. So, you may have to change up your tactics every now and then to get their attention and make sure they eat healthily.

Instead of feeding them sweets or snacks that are high in cholesterol, find healthier choices like cheese, nuts, yoghurt (unsweetened would be best), dried or chopped fruits, boiled eggs, or any other healthy options you can find! These alternatives are much more nutritious, filling, and help in cultivating healthy eating habits.

Only purchase what you need

Take a good look at your pantry or kitchen first before you decide to make a visit to the supermarket. Specifically, identify those foods with a shorter shelf life. That said, refrain from over-purchasing and you should only buy what you need.

Otherwise, it will prevent others from getting their basic necessities and you will be wasting more money than required. Having more ingredients than necessary may also result in food waste. That said, always regularly check your availability of ingredients to make sure you’re purchasing the right amount.

Use healthy canned or dried alternatives when fresh ingredients are unavailable

Without a doubt, you can never get enough of fresh produce! However, it isn’t always certain that they’re always available; hence, explains the need to switch to other healthy alternatives. And luckily for you, there are numerous options out there.

For example, canned vegetables are an excellent alternative to fresh produce or even frozen vegetables. Likewise, you can find a generous amount of nutrients in canned chickpeas and beans which can be stored for months, up to even years and can be incorporated into your meals in lots of ways. Meanwhile, canned oily fish from mackerel, sardines to salmon are high in omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and a variety of other minerals and vitamins. They can be used cold in several dishes from pasta meals, salads, sandwiches, or be cooked as part of a warm meal!

Even if you’re one of the essential workers who can’t eat at home much – you can easily pack your meals into disposable boxes for food. So, cheers to home-cooked meals still!

Remember, keeping yourself healthy during this crisis is one of the best actions you can take right now. Besides keeping fit with exercises and staying mentally healthy by engaging in your favourite hobbies, one of the best ways is by eating correctly.

Find a number of packaging options suitable for storing your healthy snacks and meals. Food storage is no longer a hassle with the wide variety of packaging choices we offer; whether it’s for food or backing packaging!

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