Instant cash loan is useful when you are faced with an emergency. It can happen that you want to handle a financial difficulty for a month. And when getting a fast loan from licensed money lender, the amount you can access has to be within your current salary. Meaning that you will repay it easily in the next month.
Here’s a look at some helpful tips as you get your fast loan Singapore.
Know how to spot illegal lenders
This should be the first thing to do before applying for any loan. Be sure to check if your lender is licensed to offer loans. If the lender you have chosen isn’t certified, it’s best that you get another lender. This way you can avoid being scammed.
Have the necessary documentation as you apply
When making your loan request, you will need a form of identification. A SingPass, any form of ID, or other documents that show proof of your identity. These will prove to be satisfactory types of identification. Be sure to have your work ID card or employment letter to prove that you hold a job. Also, have 3 recent payslips from the past months.
Sign a complete loan contract
After you have confirmed that you accept the loan terms and conditions, you can proceed to sign the agreement. Also, only sign a loan contract that is complete. Ensure you get the signed contract copy. It’s very important to do so, since failing to get your copy of that contract implies the loan you’ve taken will be seen as a fraudulent activity.