Ways to treat skin pigmentation

Most of the people go with laser skin treatment to treat abrasive skin pigmentation. This skin treatment is even known as Mosaic. It is an advanced artistic solution that makes use of fractional resurfacing technology to reduce acne scarring and wrinkles. Mosaic even rejuvenates skin and enhances skin laxity while restoring sun-damaged and aging skin.

Laser treatment delivers hundreds of microscopic laser beams to the skin, which work on both the skin surface and deeper layers. It dramatically improves skin coloration, tone, and texture.

How does laser treatment work?

Laser treatment is a highly developed aesthetic solution, which incorporates fractional technology. It does not work like light-based or other conventional technologies. Here, an exclusive patented technology distributes multiple arrays of arbitrary microscopic laser beams to the skin. These laser beams reach out to the reticular dermis without affecting the surrounding tissue. The entire treatment procedure does not take more than an hour.

Potential Risks of Laser Treatment

However, laser treatment comprises of potential risks. These risks include:

  • Swelling and mild redness appear on the affected skin areas. It gradually subsides within several hours.
  • The skin remains pinkish for a few days.
  • It may result in mild flaking of the skin for a couple of days.

Before opting for a laser treatment, try to use a non-surgical procedure for skin pigmentation and scars resulting from the acne treatment. If nothing works for you, consult a dermatologist or skin specialist for an effective and permanent solution to skin pigmentation such as Laser treatment or Mosaic.

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